مقالات ترجمه شده
Social media research in the industrial marketing field: Review of literature and future research directions☆
Promoting brand engagement behaviors and loyalty through perceived service value and innovativeness
Pluralized leadership in complex organizations: Exploring the cross network effects between formal and informal leadership relations
Multivariate statistics in industrial marketing management: A practitioner tool kit
The Moderating Role of Staff Efficiency in the Relationship between Bank’s Specific Variables and Liquidity Risk in Islamic Banks of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries
Management accounting practices of SMEs: The impact of organizational DNA, business potential and operational technology
Internal Marketing, Employees Commitment, and Profitability in Jordanian Private Hospitals
Instrument development for assessing knowledge management of quality assurers in Rajabhat universities, Thailand
Institutions, resources, and internationalization of emerging economy firms
Innovation development process in small and medium technology-basedcompanies