مقالات ترجمه شده
Multicellularity and Antibiotic Resistance in Klebsiella pneumoniae Grown Under Bloodstream-Mimicking Fluid Dynamic Conditions
Molecular basis of influenza hemagglutinin inhibition with an entry-blocker peptide by computational docking and mass spectrometry
Inhibition of Influenza Virus Infection by a Novel Antiviral Peptide That Targets Viral Attachment to Cells
Hospital-Acquired Infections After Cardiac Surgery and Current Physician Practices: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Complementary therapy of traditional Chinese medicine for blood sugar control in a patient with type 1 diabetes
Breast cancer among older women: The influence of age and cancer stage on survival
Anti-Influenza Treatment: Drugs Currently Used and Under Development
Reliability assessment for components of large scale photovoltaic systems
Decentralized Demand-Side Contribution to Primary Frequency Control
Automated network analysis to measure brain effective connectivity estimated from EEG data of patients with alcoholism