مقالات ترجمه شده
Time-dependent system reliability of anchored rock slopes considering rock bolt corrosion effect
Recent advances in high slope reinforcement in China: Case studies
Who chokes under pressure? The Big Five personality traits and decision-making under pressure
The role of media and peer influences in Australian women’s attitudes towards cosmetic surgery
The development of a questionnaire on academic hardiness for late elementary school children
Investigating personality in stuttering: Results of a case control study using the NEO-FFI
Environmental and Biopsychosocial Factors Associated with Financial Risk Tolerance
Disability and quality of life among elderly persons with mental illness
Comparative Study of Part-Time and Full-Time Students’ Emotional Intelligence, Psychological Well-Being and Life Satisfactions in the Era of New Technology
Body dissatisfaction and disordered eating among Portuguese and Spanish adolescents: The role of individual characteristics and internalisation of sociocultural ideals