مقالات ترجمه شده
Epidemiological trends of dermatophytosis in Tehran, Iran: A five-year retrospective study
Empirical wave run-up formula for wave, storm surge and berm width
Dedifferentiation: A New Approach in Stem Cell Research
Chitosan immunomodulatory properties: perspectives on the impact of structural properties and dosage
An immunogenic personal neoantigen vaccine for patients with melanoma
Role of natural fractures in damage evolution around tunnel excavation in fractured rocks
Data mining and machine learning for condition-based maintenance
Characterizing the influence of stress-induced microcracks on the laboratory strength and fracture development in brittle rocks using a finite-discrete element method-micro discrete fracture network FDEM-mDFN approach
The processing of voice identity in developmental prosopagnosia
Sexual fantasies and female hypoactive desire